Feb 29, 2016 - Explore chaya zwiebel's board "Rebbe quotes" on Pinterest. Enjoy life with the wife you love. Tzedakah, on the other hand, is an opportunity and an obligation to assist G-d in repairing a world fractured by economic strife and disparity. "You assume in advance that the Bible is true because God exists. God was Darwin's darling and idol. You're basically saying: I know there is no God. Discover and share Torah Quotes Inspirational. It is the essence of monotheism reduced to … The purpose of this blog is to promote Orthodox Judaism and to critique other ideologies, in particular atheism: promoting truth and real happiness; fighting lies and harmful addictions. Thus, it spreads the spirit of kindness and helps Muslims flourish in their life. I'm going to try this one more time:You write:Why the Bible Is FalseHere, then, are ten impossibilities in the Hebrew Scriptures. Judaism acknowledges that many people who ask for charity have no genuine need. If a Muslim spends his wealth with a sincere intention of helping his brother then surely Allah (SWT) will reward him in abundance. "I'm not 'basically' saying anything.I don't know that there is a God. Sheikh Amini’s father decided to pay a visit to his friend. >>>Darwin's beliefs were somewhat unclear.Dan l'cav zchus. "Tha fallacy you are making is mis-representing my argument. Death is stronger than all, and charity saves from death.” ― Rabbi Judah Zakat is an act of worship in the form of a social service that finishes off sins like water ends fire. How can the average person aspire to reach such a level of human behavior? "It [the Torah] simply teaches that there is a God and He can and sometimes has done anything. Every Three Years ethics, social Almsgiving Altruism “At the end of every third year you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in that year, and shall deposit it in your town. But, typically, he would add a nuance. How do you anything happened or didn't? The clouds are strong, but the wind scatters them. "In a manner of speaking, yes. A devotee of the Lord tries to distribute knowledge of Krishna everywhere and, as the world’s greatest philanthropist, he is always concerned about the welfare of the fallen, conditioned souls. "God is a transcendent being who has existed eternally. According to Islam, our charity is not accepted until we urge to gain more and more blessings of Allah (SWT). And since God wrote it, this must be the truth. Torah Quotes. "As in real life. Above all, how do you know what you claim to know and how can the rest of us test to see if you are correct? The water is strong, but the clouds bear it. He could not think the universe the product of chance alone, but nor could he look at its many life forms and see in them evidence of design...http://www.issr.org.uk/darwin-religion.asp. It might just work at your Shabbos table, but not here. I am the Lord. The Hebrew has its root in another word, tzedek/justice.In the Torah we are strongly enjoined, “Tzedek, tsedek tirdof/Justice, justice thou shalt pursue.”Rabbinical commentators have said that the repetition of the word justice is designed to underline the importance of the command. They made a It is in fact the case with ALL rabbinic writings. In communities which had no connection to Judaism, I am not aware of charitable institutions ever having been common place or even existing at all. Tithes And Offering friendliness Three Years Giving, Of Possessions. Before giving to charity he should meet those obligations first. Similar beliefs in the Greek myth of Aphrodite who is born from Uranus’s genitals is is a prime example of your logical casuistry. You reject the claims of other religions (do you believe Jesus appeared on the iron? It is subject to interpretation. And since God wrote it, this must be the truth. 29 Bible Verses about Charity ‹ › Most Relevant Verses. "...The persistent misidentification of evolution with economic exploitation, racism, euthanasia, eugenics, infanticide, and genocide all depend on someone's persistent confusion about the vital difference between social and scientific Darwinism, that is, between social biological determinism--not a science but a discreditable doctrine--and biological evolution--an accurate and highly reliable science. However, he notes that, although the Torah explicitly commands charity to the poor, ... Marvin Perry quotes Jewish banker Otto Kahn as justifying his philanthropy by saying "I must atone for my wealth". You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. In addition I believe he was sensitive to his devout wife. "What a silly statement! Here are 15 quotes reflecting Judaism’s views of love, marriage and companionship. Charity begins at home. If anything is left, he spends it on his dependants. He predicted that the Nordic race would soon kill out the Inferior negro.Lacking the basic prerequisites of scientific comprehension, its quite uncomplicated for you to deceptively advance distortions and outright lies to justify a murderous god and his dicatatorial torah. A text that gets its facts wrong is false. Prophet Muhammad encouraged spending as much as one can in the way of Allah so that Allah in return will reward him. It doesn't happen that often, but that doesn't mean that it is impossible. In this account (there are several) ... off. Please reconsider your approach! "I accept what I believe because that's what I believe. "Not really. Charity Quotes. >>>Darwin was probably a closet atheist.Lies or terminal stupidity? I think my post answers the question of the Torah's likelihood.Spontaneously means :"developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment"You believe worms spontaneously became people; no God involved. Oh, before I forget. Nov 29, 2016 - A Collection of Jewish Inspirational Quotes and Proverbs. That's what the white mans burdern was all about. By mendaciously ignoring this vital distinction, anti-evolutionists try to discredit evolution by illogically associating it with historically disreputable ideologies..."http://www.texscience.org/reviews/darwinism-racism.htm. When there were no whites waiting for a train, the British rail company, in an effort to save the expense and time of actually stopping at the station, would have the trains slow down long enough for passengers to run along-side and hop on. All praise be for Allah SWT as he rewards his people even if they plant a tree. She should cohabit [with her husband] in front of it. "Fear not death that is your doom; remember all that went before and that will follow you." God's wisdom is infinite and there is no end to the deep mysteries hidden in the Torah. He asked the lady the reason, and she told him that she was a widow with orphans who were hungry and there was no food. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein. "Mi k'amcha Yisrael" should stay in Hashem's tefillin, and in certain venues where it is receptive. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day. Charity was unknown. Or do you just make up this stuff as you go along?As for teachers, I asked wher the teacher gets her or his authority. Extermination was the only logical approach, given their Darwinian thinking. However the only proof you have that those stories are silly (and not profoundly mystical) is the assumption that the Talmud is bogus.You almost have it right but you do not follow through to the logical conclusion. It is a fallacy in which ridicule or mockery is substituted for evidence in an "argument." 20+ Best Quotes from Imam Hazrat Ali & Sayings In English. And while where on the subject of the credibility of teachers, scientists have lost a great deal of credibility in recent weeks. Would you go to a self taught cardiologist? "It wasn't my comment, but I suspect the answer is that the "noble concepts" of the Talmud often refer back to a collection of texts that ultimately are false.See "Why the Bible Is False": http://larrytanner.blogspot.com/2009/11/why-bible-is-false.html. Giving after being asked ; Giving before being asked ; Giving when you do not know the recipient's identity, but the recipient knows your identity She sounds way too uncool for a man like you Abe. I don't know that there aren't fairies. Or, "Tippecanoe and Tyler too", Maybe "First things first" or "One day at a time"Martin Luther King Jr. undoubtedly had your kind in mind when he penned: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity. Words change the mind, QuoteHey,Welcome to my youtube channel " Words change the mind"In this channel, you will find quotes. Larry wrote:"I should add that it's a very good thing the Bible isn't true. (This racist policy was part of what Gandhi was struggling against...) One day, Gandhi was running to get on a train, and as he jumped up, his shoe slipped off his foot. "just as a rabbi today might refer to today's science which may also sound silly in 2,000 years. And I beleive that sensitivity had no effect on his intelectual honesty which marshalled his circumspection in his elucidation of natural selection. Probably. "The Torah is truth. My father loves me, and wouldn't lie to me. He took some more and in this way was able to make much profit which in the end made him so rich. learn a bit more on the torah's development"In other parts of the world, I am not aware of any actual giving of alms to the poor. "and born-atheist children"Wrong on that, but let's not let facts get in the way of Marxist-Leninist atheistic dogma.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/3512686/Children-are-born-believers-in-God-academic-claims.html. And it is really hard to gte them to join in a watery environment becuae protein synthesis is a dehydration process. Although the Bible says God does exist, I know that there is no God because the Bible is false.This is a logical fallacy because your conclusion is based upon the conclusion itself - known as 'begging the question'. Verse Concepts. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE, gaTrack: true, gaId: 'UA-55101369-9'}, 'google_translate_element'); Darwin was the founder of Fascism; a dangerous lunatic. Thus giving Zakat can help dry some of usury sources in society, and find solution to the chronic crises of poverty, hunger and unemployment in Islamic world. So again, what's your evidence for Adam or any human being living to over 900 years of age?Just give some evidence and this all goes away. Though isn't saying much. Where does God come from? And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. Larry:If we are going to reject any body of literature because it contains impossible things then we are going to have to reject science. Do you think I should consider a miracle in every situation just because you say so?You think you've scored some sort of point by telling me I've ruled our "God did it" in advance. And proteins get their power from their shape. Its like enjoying a walk through a chicken coop on a hot august day. Larry:The problem with the protein first model of abiogenesis is that small molecules such as amino acids are don't just form large molecules spontaneously. Such life spans for human beings are impossible.In other words: The Bible is false. If this had been quoted from the Kama Sutra, it would have been deservedly dismissed as nothing more than an amusing curiosity. I know this because Genesis 5:27 states that someone lived to be 969 years old. Charity Quotes. They can get us out the door. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); function googleTranslateElementInit() { People tell me that the fact that modern medicine works so well is proof that science is true. Ridicule here has simply become ancillary and consequential to the your arguments for god's existence. >>>You wish to prove that the Talmud is bogus because it contains silly stories. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) swears by Allah that a man’s wealth will not diminish by Sadaqah (charity). JP, charity is humanism.If you're arguing the unique wisdom of Torah and the rabbis, consider the following discussion in Tractate Shabbat 110a (paraphrased):"If a woman sees a snake and does not know whether it has turned its attention to her or not [sexually], let her remove her garments and throw them in front of it; if it winds itself around them, its mind is upon her; if not, its mind is not upon her. Stating that such concepts are beyond one's understsanding is typical of a religious fanatic's incapacity to separate fantasy from reality. "If we are going to reject any body of literature because it contains impossible things then we are going to have to reject science. This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because mocking a claim does not show that it is false.The appeal to ridicule wasn't deployed to invalidate your arguments. ", it shouldn't matter whether they plagiarized from us or not. "And once again, the Appeal to Ridicule. Y'know, are they waves, particles, etc. You reject science (which you clearly avoid studying in an unbiased fashion) even though you rely on it every day. You must either be delusional or deliberately lying.But you are correct on the "no God involved" part.Glad to have this cleared up.However, you continue to evade the question of miracles and what specific criteria you use (1) to accept a man living 930 years and a 6-day complete creation and (2) to reject that Jesus appeared on a woman's iron and that Koran verses magically appeared on the skin of a child. Quotes [ edit ] That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor . Everyone else burns.So I don't think the viewpoint is narrow at all. What bs! You say nothing about Jacob's treachery against his own brother or about God's injustice against Adam and Eve. Refuted analogies (such as the watchmaker) are not evidence in favor of the specific examples I cite. Alex, I would just wonder if the Rig Veda actually advocates charity or if this is a somewhat creative translation. If so, then now you must believe that Jesus is a real, supernatural dude. You can't, though, because you have none.Here's how you beg the question all the time:"The Bible is true. What makes the God hypothesis more plausible than other models? "Let me put my two cents in. Nowhere in the Quran is it written that Moses alone taught by the Torah as all succeeding Hebrew prophets and seers, including Harun, used the Law for preaching. where does the hebrew in it come from? Jewish texts are replete with the most beautiful sentiments of love and romance. The Hebrew has its root in another word, tzedek/justice.In the Torah we are strongly enjoined, “Tzedek, tsedek tirdof/Justice, justice thou shalt pursue.”Rabbinical commentators have said that the repetition of the word justice is designed to underline the importance of the command. Deut 6:4–9 4Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God; the Lord is one. >>>The passage from Shabbat is presumably referring to deep mystical concepts beyond my understanding.You still havn't explained what these deep mystical concepts in Tractate Shabbat 110a convey.Be nice to us unschooled tamudic ignoramuses. Like pious atheists jabbering about worms turning into people. Larry, as far as worms go, from where do you think the first fish supposedly evolved. Methuselah (Genesis 5:27) lived 969 years and holds the record. But you've conveniently avoided providing any positive evidence. However, when the proposition (women having sex with snakes) is devoid of any evidence whatsoever, reductio ad absurdum results. Appeal to ridicule in and of by itself is indeed a logical fallacy. The Me'Am Lo'ez, an exhaustive Torah commentary originally written in Ladino, beautifully helps us understand this verse. You consider the likelihood of it happening and the strength of the evidence that it happened. Quotes about helping others to help you make a difference in other people’s lives. Torah View on Homosexuality "K'maase Eretz Mitzrayim asher yeshavtem ba lo sa'asu - like the practice of the land of Egypt in which you dwelled do not do" (Vayikra 18:3). Others say, That will even strengthen its instincts. If Gandhi had waited another moment he would have lost the opportunity; what poor person would continue for miles along the tracks in search of another shoe? 5. Did the Zionists fake the Holocaust to make money? You might try "Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v'Rabbeinu Melech haMoshiach l'olam vo'ed! Therefore, we must give charity without any delay. Filed Under: Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, Tzedakah/Charity. 3. >>>God's wisdom is infinite and there is no end to the deep mysteries hidden in the Torah.Don't you have any other useless bromides with which you can entertain us? Charity, one of the five pillars of Islam is a subject that is preached in every religion around the world. Topics: Charity. The Bible, therefore, tells lies. Charity is mentioned dozens of times in the Quran. Torah study is the study of the Torah, Hebrew Bible, Talmud, responsa, rabbinic literature and other Jewish religious texts. So why not apply it to EVERYTHING the Talmudic rabbis wrote--historical, philosophical, religious, moral and metaphysical?I wouldn't ridicule the snake thing, either, if you see the writing as a product of the times and culture. As a guide to Jewish law, it covers almost every area of life. Scienctist don't have a very ggod understanding of what radio waves are. Worms cannot spontaneously become people. In fact, I believe in the big bang. Freely giving money and time to the less fortunate surely is a wonderful thing. Filed Under: Leon of Modena, Tzedakah/Charity. The poor man did so and sold the rice bags quickly. This would constitute a miracle. While prayer is meant to mend and strengthen the Muslim’s relation with Allah (SWT), Zakat is supposed to mend the relation between the rich and the poor and guarantee social peace in Muslim community. If you don't accept the miracle, then why not?A couple over near Russia - sorry, I forget which one - claimed that verses of the Koran appeared magically inscribed in the skin of their young child. Explore 42 Torah Quotes by authors including Neri Oxman, Lisa Bonet, and Kevin Gates at BrainyQuote. And Allah states in Quran that Sadaqah leads the wealth to grow by Allah’s blessings, and it purifies the souls (Nafs) of the rich from stinginess, and the souls of the poor from envy and hatred. Here are 10 Jewish quotes about kindness to help inspire you. "Well, most everyone in the world -past and present - would be punished for having been wrong. Darwin, by the standard of his time, was quite liberal. That's evidence, (not proof, there's a difference) that its origin is divine.And by tangible do you mean something external to the Torah? You are unwilling to discuss the mathematical, physical, logical and philosophical bases of the apparently strange ideas that scientists will sometimes propose.Yet you are so arrogant as to declare yourself right and your belief right. You consider the likelihood of it happening and the strength of the evidence that it happened. "Torah is like a text"It is God's infinite wisdom distilled into a parchment scroll. (For most Indians back then a pair of good shoes was equivalent to a month’s salary...) What does it take for a person to develop his ethical instincts to such an extent? If it were, not even you would escape the wrath of God or Jesus or Mohammed or Vishnu or whichever demiurge was behind it all. The talmud's inter-species sexual admonitions should of course be equally dismissed and no less amusing. If it were, not even you would escape the wrath of God or Jesus or Mohammed or Vishnu or whichever demiurge was behind it all. Then there are particles that are both particles and waves at the same time. There are eight levels of charity, each greater than the next. Filed Under: Leon of Modena, Tzedakah/Charity. "Anon1, many Talmudic passages are allegorical"Look at the page and context and tell me if it is allegorical.To what exactly would this be allegorical? It isn't a problem for me that it goes against first thermodynamics because I don't have a big problem with miracles. And the RNA first hyposthesis has all these problems as well as the fact that nucleosides are veruy big, and hard to make in a natural environment. 31. Because some of their beliefs were erroneous does not mean that all were. A large part of Jewish law is about treating people with kindness. See more ideas about inspirational quotes, proverbs, quotes. Nowhere in the Quran is it written that Moses alone taught by the Torah as all succeeding Hebrew prophets and seers, including Aaron (Harun), used the Law for … Though he tried to grab it, he ended up watching helplessly as it fell to the tracks. — He was a weakling." See also: Scrolls of Abraham. 18- Guarding wealth. This charity aims to help people help themselves. "Actually, Torah is like a text. Enjoy life with the wife you love. Muslims give it for the welfare of their brothers and this act of kindness is strongly appreciated by Islam. Torah Quotes About Tzedakah. And you have to get the exact right configuration of amino acids to get the right function. Tzedakah is loosely translated as “charity,” but that is a misrepresentation of the concept. Now believing that a person is less highly evolved, as did Darwin, does not allow for the possibility of conversion, only extermination. Tweet. But you keep using this word "spontaneously." Thus, it has been said it the Quran that we must give Zakah in order to be on the path of those who are blessed by Allah SWT. Think about what this means: that the rabbis (or god) would willfully say things to people, knowing that their contemporaries as well people thousands of years later would not be able to understand them. When you’re giving to charity picture yourself helping Christ because by serving others you are serving Jesus. In a small protein it would be something like 20^100. "Or, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Here are 15 quotes reflecting Judaism’s views of love, marriage and companionship. (Pirkei Avot 1:12) Aaron, Moses’ brother, was famous for his love of others and the way he helped people mend relationships and end arguments. "Torah is like science. Commonly have a look at these 100+ Islamic marriage quotes for Husband and.! 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