How can you prepare customized html report using TestNG in hybrid framework ? Neither does the command requires any parameter nor does it returns any value. Question 18) What is the difference between findElement and findElements? Other than the default port 444 how you can run Selenium Server? It will help in getting the color by sending the 'color' string as an argument. The test will fail in case of missing the required element and will get terminated. Mention what is the use of X-path? The issue of the same-origin policy restricts accessing the DOM of a document from an origin that is different from the one that a user is trying to access the document. What is Selenium 2.0? Question 20) Write the code for Reading and Writing to Excel through Selenium ? The Selenium suite has the following components: Answer: A locator is a kind of address that offers a unique way of identifying a web element on the webpage. Irrespective of the number of positive matches, only the first element will be fetched. Question 8) How do you handle alert pop-up ? Counting the number of words in a file. Answer: Yes, we can store a value, which is a text box using Web Driver. Question 32) How do you simulate scroll down action ? Mention in what ways you can customize TestNG report? Source: Question 38) How to check the checkbox or radio button is selected ? I am sure these questions will help you to prepare more on the basis of real time interview questions. Question: Can you explain the difference between assert and verify commands in Selenium? Mention what are the challenges in Handling Ajax Call in Selenium Webdriver? iqapdf January 23, 2019 No Comments. Selenium interview questions you might encounter include knowledge of the Selenium suite and its practical applications when testing web applications. How to select value in a drop down? What is Selenium and what is composed of? The general syntax for the get command is: Answer: WebDriver provides support for the following drivers: There are two types of waits available in WebDriver, explained as follows: Answer: The term Object Repository refers to the collection of web elements that belong to AUT (Application Under Test) and their locator values. How can we get a text of a web element? What are the Selenium Tools, and Testing framework that you are using in your Current Project? However, if the condition is true then the program control will continue executing the next test step. How to find more than one web element in the list? Why testers should opt for Selenium and not QTP? Didn’t recieve the password reset link? Question: Please explain how to find if an element is displayed on the screen. There are three types of Assertion in Selenium, which include the following: There are several technical challenges with Selenium which includes: Third-party tools are sought for reporting purposes. 1. When do we use findElement( and findElements(? Selenium is more popular than QTP as Why to use TestNG with Selenium RC ? Question 13) How do you upload a file? Like close() command, the quit() method doesn’t require any parameter nor does have any return value type. What are the different types of locators in Selenium? I have collected these questions from different people who have recently experienced and attended various interviews in different companies. Much like HTML tags, XML stores data in a key-value pair. What is a framework? So, let’s jump right into it: Answer: Although labeled as an automation testing tool, Selenium isn’t a standalone tool. We can apply driver.findElement(“your Textbox”)).sendKeys(“your keyword”); Answer: Yes, we can Switch between frames using the WebDrivers, which can take any arguments. How can you find if an element displayed on the screen? SELENIUM REAL TIME INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - What are desired capabilities? Selenium 2.0 has consolidated Selenium RC and WebDriver to make a single tool, while Selenium 3.0 is the latest version, which has Beta 1 and Beta 2 updates. Various JUnit Annotations are enumerated as follows: Answer: Selenium is a suite of various tools that are used explicitly for automated web testing purposes. 3. All the best! Question: Can we store a value, which is a text box? TestNG Testing Framework for Grouping Test cases, executing Test batches and generating Test reports. Selenium interview questions on Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, Selenium WebDriver, IDE functions, Plugins, and Selenium RC provided below are very much helpful for many automation testers. How do they test Selenium for multiple browsers? Here are the top 35 sample Selenium interview questions and their answers. A typical use case would be to set the path for the Firefox Driver if your local installation doesn't correspond to the default settings. Question 2) How do you read data from excel ? Explain how you can login into any site if it’s showing any authentication popup for password and username? Its use is demonstrated by the following code snippet: Answer: WebDriver allows handling web-based pop-ups via the Alert interface. Question 29) How to invoke an application in webdriver ? An exception test is an exception that you expect will be thrown … Some generic data structure-based questions are usual in software testing interviews. We can apply driver.findElement(“your Textbox”)).sendKeys(“your keyword”); Yes, we can Switch between frames using the WebDrivers, which can take any arguments. The distinct features of Selenium WebDriver from Selenium 1.0 includes: It helps in handling multiple frames, browsers, windows, alerts, and pop-ups. What is Selenium? Explain what is framework and what are the frameworks available in RC? Question: Please explain how to click on a hyperlink using its text. Explain what is the difference between find elements () and find element () ? 4.why Review is required,& who are involved? Answer: Assert commands helps in checking if the element is on the page or not. Answer: There are three types of Assertion in Selenium, which include the following: Answer: There are several technical challenges with Selenium which includes: Answer: Types Keys collects the different value attributes using the JavaScript while the Type Commands imitates like an actual user typing. QA preparation for Selenium Automation and Agile Interview, Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions, Best Selenium Testing Interview Questions, Although Selenium has an active community support, no vendor support is available, No built-in report generation. Interview Questions and Answers free download for freshers experienced MCQs Real time FAQs Objective Placement Papers PDF . How to set test case priority in TestNG? Which web driver implementation is fastest? Question 40) How do u get the width of the textbox ? Selenium Interview Questions and Answers. Real Time - Interview Questions Manual Testing Interview Questions 1. Java Programming for Enhancing Test cases. While injecting capabilities in webdriver to perform tests on a browser which is not supported by a webdriver what is the limitation that one can come across? Its developer community is supported by Google. Learn Coding | Programming Tutorials | Tech Interview Questions, Selenium Interview Questions For Experienced, Mobile Application Testing Interview Questions, Robotic Process Automation – The Line Between Hype And Reality, Calendar and its Subclasses with Examples in Java, What is Machine Learning? Also, it makes a direct call to the various browsers for making automation. Question: What is a Borland Silk Test Tool? It offers multiple browser testing facilities which helps in improving functionality for browsers which were earlier not supported by Selenium 1.0. What are the two modes of views in Selenium IDE ? Answer: The syntax used for launching Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer using WebDriver is respectively. Its compositions have Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment), WebDriver and RC, and Grid. It supports different programming languages such as Python, Perl, and Ruby. Requires no parameters, navigate().refresh() – Reload all the web elements by refreshing the current webpage. Answer: There are four parameters in Selenium which includes: Answer: The role of set Speed() and Sleep() in Selenium is to delay the speed of execution. Question: What are the different types of locators in Selenium? Also used, Question 11) How do perform drag and drop using WebDriver? Answer: XPath is a type of locator in Selenium that is used to locate a web element based on its XML path. Answer: The following command finds a specified element using the linkText() method and then clicks on that element to redirect the user to the corresponding webpage: Another command that can be used for the same purpose is: In this command, we use the partialLinkText() method. Explain what are the limitations of Selenium IDE? It is used for web-based applications and testing client-server applications. What is Selenese? Question: Differentiate between Type Keys and Type Commands in Selenium? What are the limitations of Selenium? List the advantages of Webdriver over Selenium Server? Question: What is Selenium? Mention what are the types of Listeners in TestNG? What are core extension ? Question 34) Which is the package which is to be imported while working with WebDriver ? Hence, doesn’t provide support for testing mobile applications. Explain how you can use recovery scenario with Selenium? Question 41) How do u get the attribute of the web element ? Answer: The other popular name of Selenium WebDriver is Selenium 2.0. The test language usually used in Selenium is _____. Question: Please enumerate the various types of Drivers and Waits available in WebDriver. The general syntax for the method is: Answer: JUnit is a Java-based testing framework from Apache that complements Selenium. 3.Can you explain your framework? WebDriver allows doing so with the following three methods: Answer: An Origin is a sequential combination of host, scheme, and port of the URL. What are the advantages of Selenium? It is specifically used for testing script language. What is exception test in Selenium? Name the four parameters that have to be passed in Selenium? What is the difference between assert and verify commands? ‘/’ is used to create XPath with the absolute path, while the double slash i.e. All matching elements will be fetched and stored in the list of WebElements. Answer: The major differences between Borland Silk Test Tool and Selenium Test Tool can be displayed as follows: It supports only Internet Explorer and Firefox. What is JUnit Annotations and what are different types of annotations which are useful ? When should I use Selenium Grid? More than 100 most popular Questions & Answers from Selenium Job Interviews have been compiled here. Question 31) How to get the number of frames on a page ? Select the component which is NOT part of Selenium suite. It is challenging to maintain objects in Selenium. What is Junit? Finding the random value of given range .. 100. All the best for your future and happy learning. Question: Differentiate between Assert and Verify commands? Explain what is the main difference between web-driver and RC ? On assert if it failed, the test will stop. Correct this one: Printing numbers from 1..10 using Recursion. For Database Testing in Selenium Webdriver what API is required? Interview Questions Goldman Sachs Services Latest Java Selenium & Manual Interview Questions Rest | Restful API Web Services Interview Questions and Answers In Java Tavant Java Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions Tech Mahindra Tech M Selenium Interview Questions Manual Testing Interview Questions. Question: What is JUnit? Assert commands helps in checking if the element is on the page or not. Question 42) How to check whether a text is underlined or not ? The Selenium Core isn’t allowed to access the elements from an origin that is different from where it was launched. Question 24) How do you clear the contents of a textbox in selenium ? In the absolute path, the created XPath will start selection from the document node or the start node. Explain how you can find broken images in a page using Selenium Web driver ? Which attribute you should consider throughout the script in frame for “if no frame Id as well as no frame name”? Using Selenium how can you handle network latency ? Explain how you can switch back from a frame? What are the features of TestNG and list some of the functionality in TestNG which makes it more effective? Question 10) How to perform right click using WebDriver? Answer: The distinct features of Selenium WebDriver from Selenium 1.0 includes: Answer: Yes, we can handle colors in Web Driver using the getCssValue(arg0) function. Mention why do you need Session Handling while working with Selenium? However, if the condition is true then the program control will continue executing the next test step." We have taken full care to give accurate answers to all the questions. Third-party tools like JUnit and TestNG need to be used, Not able to offer testing for barcode and captcha readers, Requires good programming language knowledge, Supports testing of only web-based applications. Going through the list will surely help you tighten up your preparation for that upcoming Selenium interview. It can be applied for testing programs in various languages. How will you use Selenium to upload a file ? What is the difference between setSpeed() and sleep() methods? Question: Identify the various test types that are supported by Selenium? To generate pdf reports mention what Java API is required? Select the language which is NOT supported by the Selenium RC. Thats a good list of selenium interview questions but it would have been nice if there was answers to it aswell. What is the difference between POI and jxl jar? It supports only the Internet Explorer on Windows. Answer: Heightened privileges browsers acts as proxy injections that allow different websites to do things that are normally not permitted. How can you retrive the message in an alert box ? What is the difference between Selenium and QTP? Explain how to iterate through options in test script? Some of the queries I am interested are 1. What is Same origin policy and how it can be handled? Selenium Interview questions and answers with Real examples March 10, 2020 by Mukesh Otwani 212 Comments In this post, I will cover frequently asked Selenium Interview questions and answers for fresher and experienced both. The entire list of questions contains the latest and updated topics available in today’s trend assisting many candidates to clear the interviews. 300 REAL TIME SELENIUM Interview Questions and Answers iqapdf January 23, 2019 No Comments List of top selenium interview questions and answers for freshers beginners and experienced pdf free download.these are most frequently asked selenium testing interview questions. It returns a string value and doesn’t require any parameters. From your test script how you can create html test report? it shall not be executed, @Test – Lets the system know that this method is a test method. Mention when to use AutoIT? How to assert title of the web page? Answer: The three arguments that can be taken into consideration for Switching includes: Answer: There are five different exceptions to Selenium WebDriver which includes: Answer: The best WebDriver implementation of the HTML unit is the fastest because it does not execute the tests on the browsers but applies plain HTTP request, which is quick and helps in launching the browser and executing the tests. Selenium interview questions and answers, in this article we shared both basic and advanced level questions asked during the Selenium interview.Our main focus is to prepare our reader for the Selenium job interview. Question: How are Selenium 2.0 and Selenium 3.0 different from Selenium? Question 39) How to get the title of the page ? What are the different types of Drivers available in WebDriver? What is Automation Testing? Selenium is a suite of various tools that are used explicitly for automated web testing purposes. ... 100 REAL TIME SELENIUM Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. 13) How you organized your Test Automation resources? It can be applied to a client-server application. Answer: Plugins in Jenkins includes: Gits. Explain what can cause a Selenium IDE test to fail? 100 Best Selenium Job Interview Questions & Answers This article will be useful for all who are planning to get a testing or test automation job. These Software QA Interview Questions and Answers were prepared with our real-time experience. Question: When should we use findElement() and findElements()? Explain using Webdriver how you can perform double click ? Answer: Selenium 2.0 has consolidated Selenium RC and WebDriver to make a single tool, while Selenium 3.0 is the latest version, which has Beta 1 and Beta 2 updates. If the condition comes out to be false in the case of a verify command, then the execution stops and no further tests will be executed. Instead, it is a package of several tools, and thus a testing suite. Explain how you can debug the tests in Selenium IDE ? Question: Can you explain the differences between Selenium and QTP? A corresponding locator value can be populated from the Object Repository whenever an element is required within the script. 1) What are the Selenium Tools, and Testing framework that you are using in your Current Project? In Selenium what are Breakpoints and Startpoints? What is heightened privileges browsers? Source: The various test types that are supported by Selenium include the following: The role of Assertion in Selenium is to act as a verification point. Single slash ‘/ ’ Explain what is assertion in Selenium and what are the types of assertion? Question: What are the exceptions to Selenium WebDriver? What is the command you use to verify the test present on web page ? Resend, Selenium WebDriver with Java - Basics to Advanced, 50 Best SQL Server Interview Questions and Answers, Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers, 40+ Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers. What is the difference between type keys and type commands ? What is an XPath? What are the testing types that can be supported by Selenium? Question: Please explain the various Selenium components. What do we mean by Selenium 1 and Selenium 2? I found a bug (without using Selenium:). Top 50 Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions,web driver framework,exceptions,framework,synchronization,real time challenges,examples Answer: The distinct features of Selenium include the following: Answer: The following features of Selenium makes it better than QTP: It is used for testing various web-based applications. Unavailability of reliable tech support: Since Selenium … In selenium IDE what are the element locators that can be used to locate elements on web page? Mention why to choose Python over Java in Selenium? What is Regression testing and Re-Testing and explain the difference between them. Selenium Remote Control was introduced in order to handle the problem of Same Origin Policy. A. Selenium IDE B. Selenium RC C. SeleniumGrid D. Selenium Web Ans: D. 2. Question 25) What is a Framework ? It provides Selenium RC functionality, which provides backward compatibility to Selenium 1.0. Question: How will you find more than one web element in the list using Selenium? Question: Can we handle colors in Web Driver? Question 36) How to check if a button is enabled on the page ? These browsers allow Selenium core to pen the AUT directly and thereby read and write its content without passing the whole AUT through the Selenium RC server. Scenario 1 : Consider a page having 100 checkboxes and applied implicit wait is 30 Seconds Question 27) What are the advantages of selenium webdriver? Unlike the close() method, the quit() method is used for closing down all the windows opened by the program. How to capture screenshot in WebDriver? Explain the various JUnit annotations. It helps in verifying the state of the application that conforms to expectations. How you can avoid same origin policy? Password reset link will be sent to your email. Answer: Selenium offers WebElement List for finding more than a single web element in the list. Selenium interview questions. The other popular name of Selenium WebDriver is Selenium 2.0. Question: Could you state the limitations of Selenium? This Git Interview Questions blog is a part of parent blog DevOps Interview Questions. Explain how you can switch between frames? What are the different types of waits available in WebDriver? Basic Level – Selenium Interview Questions 1. Since HTML and XML both are markup languages, XPath can be used for locating HTML elements on a webpage. These QA Job Interview questions are for beginners, intermediate and advanced level. What is the difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC and WebDriver? What are the benefits of Automation Testing? Question 5) What is the difference between Assert and Verify? How will you find an element using Selenium? View all posts by the Author. Desired Capabilities help to set properties for the Web Driver. Can we use Selenium grid for performance testing? Selenium Interview Questions and Answers 1) Selenium Real Time Interview Questions 2) Interview Questions on Selenium Fundamentals 3) Interview Questions on Selenium Test Process 4) Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions 5)... Selenium / SOFTWARE TESTING. How do you create one in Selenium? 2. How can we handle pop-ups in RC ? Question: What is the role of set Speed() and Sleep() methods in Selenium? Explain what is the difference between find elements () and find element () ? Can captcha be automated? Explain how you can insert a break point in Selenium IDE ? It offers a drag and drop facility on the page. At the same time, in the case of Selenium RC, it requires the Selenium Server to input the Javascript into the browser. Question: What is the role of Assertion in Selenium? Explain how you can insert a start point in Selenium IDE? This is the list of all different interview questions, which were asked in different companies located worldwide. Question: What do you understand by XPath in Selenium? In Selenium IDE how you can generate random numbers and dates for test data ? Explain how you can handle colors in web driver? Explain how Selenium Grid works? You’ll find a short and concise answer for all the Selenium Webdriver questions as most of the interviewers expect from an ideal candidate. Types Keys collects the different value attributes using the JavaScript while the Type Commands imitates like an actual user typing. How can we handle web based pop up? Mention what is Listeners in Selenium WebDriver? Question 43) How to change the URL on a webpage using selenium web driver ? Why Selenium RC is used? Explain what is Datadriven framework and Keyword driven? Answer: A Selenium Test Tool is used for web applications and has the flexibility to many languages, including JAVA, Perl, Ruby, and various others. Question 37) How to check if a text is highlighted on the page ? Heightened privileges browsers acts as proxy injections that allow different websites to do things that are normally not permitted. Question 19) How do you achieve synchronization in WebDriver ? If there is Zero matching elements selenium waits till the time it reaches provided implicitly wait. List out different types of locators? What is Object Repository ? What are the four parameter you have to pass in Selenium? When should I use Selenium IDE? Mention different exceptions you had in Selenium web driver? Instead of hardcoding locators within the scripts, they are stored in a centralized location using Object Repository. How to type in a textbox using Selenium? Question 23) What are the languages supported by WebDriver ? What is the difference between driver.close( and driver.quit command? The aforementioned command finds the element based on the substring, Goo in this case, of the link provided. © 2020 - All rights reserved. What are the different types of frameworks? Question 49) Which is the super interface of webdriver ? Get command is one of the most widely used commands for verifying errors, labels, messages, etc. Real Time Selenium & java interview questions below, for experience candidates===== IBM QNS…..3 year 1st Round Telephonic 1.What is your specification. 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